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Why Invest in a Pull Down Fixture?

Static vs. Dynamic = Reference vs. Results

When you set-up your race car using traditional methods, such as wheel scales, load struts or spring loads, you're using reference measurements. They're called reference measurements because they give you a repeatable reference to go back to or adjust from.

When you set-up your race car using a Dynamic Scaling System, you're not only measuring the input, you're generating data from your chassis & suspension, showing you the results of your adjustments.

It's kind of like adjusting timing on your motor. You can use a timing light to know your setting, but it takes an engine dyno to tell you if it's going to make more horsepower.

A Pull Down Fixture measures your set-up inputs (wheel weights & positions) under full load, as they are on the track.

  • Dynamic Wheel Loads

  • Optimize Platform

  • Toe/Bump/Ackerman

  • Dynamic Cross %

  • Optimize Sway Bar Load

  • Rear Steer

  • Dynamic Bite

  • Optimize Droop Limiter Load

  • Dynamic Camber & Caster

  • Dynamic Front/Right %

  • Optimize Trailing Arm Angles

  • Dynamic Contact Patch Alignment

Pull Down Fixtures aren't for everyone. But if you like to learn and not rely on others, it's a great tool to improve your set-ups and find more speed.

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"...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."  Hebrews 12:1

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